Key language services clients
Framatome (AREVA/ORANO):
- project management of translation for the detailed design phase of the EPR project. Tasks were mainly carried out at the firm's La Défense offices, and included translator selection and briefing, terminology support, quality assurance, proofreading, etc.
- support and advice for selection of in-house translators
- mentoring of new in-house translators
Electricité de France (on subcontract basis):
- interpreter training and mentoring in nuclear technology, nuclear safety and nuclear terminology.
- training/workshops to help nuclear power plants bring their practices into line with international requirements and to prepare for OSARTS/WANO Peer Reviews (management, self-assessment, communications, logistics, translation/interpreting)
Electrabel (on subcontract basis):
- interpreter training in nuclear technology issues at Doel nuclear power plant in Belgium.
Aston University:
- Lecturing in advanced French-English translation (for BSc and MA programmes).
World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) (on subcontract basis):
- "Language support" services, to assist non-native English speakers in writing safety review reports at nuclear power plants in China, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Germany, France and the UK.
Copywriting for various leading European manufacturers and technology companies (on subcontract basis):
- Content creation on the basis of multilingual background materials for leading players in various high-tech sectors.