Key interpreting clients
Interpreting at nuclear plants is a demanding task that requires an excellent understanding of the technical concepts involved, and an ability to communicate effectively under pressure. At international nuclear safety reviews, my broad experience of the nuclear field means that I am consistently assigned to leadership roles in interpreting teams, and to act as interpreter in the most complex technical areas. I also have extensive past experience of interpreting at sites operated by BNFL in the UK and by the CEA in France.
British Nuclear Fuels Ltd. (BNFL) (1991-2004): Interpreting for a variety of technical and commercial visits to BNFL's nuclear fuel cycle facilities (uranium enrichment, fuel manufacturing, reactor operation, reprocessing, vitrification, fuel handling and waste management facilities). Regular interpreting missions at CEA nuclear facilities in France.
Electricité de France (EDF) (on subcontract basis): interpreting for safety review missions conducted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) at all of the nuclear power plants currently in operation or under construction in France (first interpreting assignment at Chinon in 1996).
Electrabel (on subcontract basis): interpreting for IAEA and WANO safety reviews at Tihange nuclear power plant in Belgium.